Thursday 20 October 2011

Losing My Virginity

It's funny how different it feels to type out thoughts as you think of them, as opposed writing them on a piece of paper with an ancient ball pen like I'm used to doing.
And by different, I mean exasperating.
To people who assume that computers come easy to everybody that touches them- Hi.
You haven't met me yet. And you probably really shouldn't. What seems like a flutter-of-an-eyelid job to you, is more like an arduous, painful, mind-numbing task to me. (I'm still not entirely sure what to do after I'm done typing this.)
What do I plan to write about? God knows I have no plan.
Never fear, millions of nonexistent readers, we shall get through this. But then, do I want to be one of the gazillion ambiguous blogs on the internet? 'Course not. Do I want to be one of those nouveau-famous writers, whose blogs thrust them into all things glitzy and Hollywood? Why not. 
Either way, blogging seems to have been all the rage among computer and literary enthusiasts- sometimes just computer enthusiasts (if you've read some of the stuff out in the world, you'd know. Some poor bits even got accidentally- or serendipitously- published as books.), and it took me a long time to get around to it.
Blame my innate hatred for all things fashionable, or multiple writer's blocks, I find typing anything out exhausting. Even three-sentence e-mails.
Truth is, I'm stupid with technology- which leads me to believe that everybody who can operate Word is a whopping genius- and blogging is the Number One way to uncover that. Although, if you ask me, I'm wont to say, with a fashionable (albeit pretentious) swish of my hair, that I'll get around to it when it gets tired of being so cool that it's nearly frozen.
Which is not what I did, of course.
I just sat at the computer today, opened up this site and signed up. On an absurd whim. Like it is with most things I do.
And now, I'm typing what makes very limited sense and has passable entertainment value (Yes, computers crush my confidence quite supremely), and hoping that I haven't made any of the idiotic spelling errors I usually fall victim to when I confront a keyboard; and wondering about what in God's creation I'm going to keep writing about.
That is, of course, if anybody's reading.
I'll never know. (Oh wait, blogs have 'hits', don't they? Ah well.)
In the meanwhile, my ink is purple, and I'm enjoying it immensely.


Faizan Ansari said...

Looking forward to the good stuff that is to come.
Don't give up on pen and paper entirely! Use your lexi 5's and Navneet (it actually saves paper O.o) and let creativity flow. Type it out once you're done, like you've grown used to doing all this time. Initially, atleast.
Physically erasing/ scratching out makes sure the excreta doesn't dare coming back (right?). Backspacing takes only a finger (for the average computer wiz :-/)

Keep it coming, :-)
Your biggest fanboy,

Faizan Ansari said...

Why don't you post stuff you've already written? Or are you only looking to post rants?

SoulGirl said...

This one was nice.. Waiting for more to come..

Unknown said...

get a hit meter for your blog. or youll never know how many hits u get... oh and trust me, blogs reach farther than you can imagine right now..... so draft on paper... fair out on the blog......

and i like your style... rant-ish.. yet connected....

AneeshaSpeaks said...

Karan- All I heard was some words that I don't understand. What is a hit meter? And how do I lay my paws on it?

Unknown said...

It's a thing that records the number of visitors you've had.

Look for the graph like thing on my blog.

To add it to your blog. Go to settings and design. Then go to add a gadget. And choose the hit meter as the gadget. Place it wherever you wanna.

Nirmitee Mehta said...

I am :)
and purple is my favourite colour.Just saying ;)

Anjali Krishna said...

Hey purple is one of my favourites too.
Keep posting!
Rumble ramble.
You write awesome. :D

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