Tuesday, 15 November 2011


In a cage a single man
Soldered off from the rest
Sits in silence and, it may be said,
A peaceful acceptance
Of the unending
Solitude- his foe, his friend
Since the day he opened his unforgiving eyes .
And so the sights of war
Of play and of friendly spirit
Seem to him like trials
Of a foreign world far and beyond
His own, of iron wrought.

In the world live men together
Loving, laughing, speaking, fighting:
A team, a group, a family
A government, an army -
Tied by the silken threads of
Warm sentiments intangible.
And so this lonely man,
In his dark and cold prison cell:
Seems to them like they behold some
Strange and frightening manifestation:
Of the face of pain and of sorrow.

And as the world kills,
Screams, stabs:
Each man trying to make
The world his own:
The lonely man sits quiet
And still, living for himself:
No blood, no hate, no love
No gore.
The steel in his gaze, the stead of his stance-
Are virtues to the general brothers unknown.

I stand and watch these
Strange apparitions
In a silence that confounds me:
For I am a lonesome, caged soul
In a shared world born:
So I think of what I
Have been told.
Of what I see.
And finally facing my own soul,
I question the truth of the world in its whole:
What is the answer to my question,
The one we have always known:
Are the children of the universe
All for all, or one for one?

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Lost in Translation

A typical experiment involves a few very basic and essential components:
  • A Set of Variables:
For example, if your experiment is to verify that white light is made up of 7 visible colours, you will perform the experiment considering that: A prism will cause dispersion, that all the colours of light travel at different speeds in glass, and that you are aware of which colour is which based on your visual perception of them. These are things about your experiment that have already been discovered, or that you have observed. and will form the basis for your findings.
A social experiment is no different. You must consider the majorities, as opposed to the niches, and assume that for a homogeneous group- say college students, the general reactions will be the same. More importantly, it is essential to predict that subconscious involvement will be wholesome, regardless of the relevance of the experiment in question to the subjects.

  • Apparatus:
For the aforementioned experiment, what we shall need is a prism, a white-light torch, and a screen- keeping it to the bare essentials.
All you really need for the Social Hypothesis, is this country's most dispensable resource. People. People are the premise for every social experiment. And, preferably, a cyber forum. Facebook is most suitable, considering its universality, and general heat-of-action scenario.

  • A Stimulus to the Procedure:
For the dispersion to be set in action, the white light needs to be shone on the prism. Simple. One step. After that, the dispersion is passive, as is the colours appearing on the screen.
More psychologically speaking, the primary stimulus is the inclination to perform the experiment in the first place. Say interest in light, or curiosity about the results.
That said, these alternate, curious experiments require stimuli, too. Physical stimuli. Like, say, going with the Facebook analogy- a changed status. Or something equally earth-shattering in teenage and cyber terms.
What it also requires, is a mental push. A conversation that goes something like 'I bet you can't put this up on Facebook', followed by a mild argument, and ending with 'Ooh, I want to know what people will say'. And, if you're a little smarter than the crowds you walk with, a hypothesis about a proposed result.

  • The Result:
And then the wait. To see that screen, to read those comments. To see if people knew you would achieve it all along, or if they're surprised out of their wits by your unexpected prowess.
The reaction. Watching as they fawn over you, ask you questions, dwell on the intimate intricacies of your life, while you've already moved on.
You're already solving a new integral in your head.

But all this is lost in translation, isn't it?
I guess you could go ahead and call this an experiment, too.

Que sera sera.